Life’s been rough this year, but I’ve really been enjoying the memes floating around the internet around the Turkish sharpshooter who won the silver medal in the Olympics.
Life’s been rough this year, but I’ve really been enjoying the memes floating around the internet around the Turkish sharpshooter who won the silver medal in the Olympics.
I’ve been doing a lot more driving in Boston the last couple weeks and I’ve learned a few things. First, red lights mean stop only if traffic in front of you forces you to stop. Second, if you ride a motorcycle or scooter, you can literally ride anywhere you want. Third, that also seems to apply to cars sometimes. Fourth, be really careful passing a vehicle that is waiting to turn left on the right of that vehicle. And last, Boston really is an hour away from Boston sometimes. I guess once you get past all of that it isn’t that bad 😄
I’ve been finding myself stick in a bit of a rut lately, but I’m looking forward to weather weather to get me out on my bike more.
I know it is only Wednesday, but is it Friday yet?
Life has been pretty tough lately, but today I’m finding signs that things are getting better. I’m looking forward to less crazy weeks ahead and a little more time to focus on myself for a change.
I normally don’t bother with new year’s resolutions, but some recent events have me thinking more deeply this year. I’ve decided it’s long past time to clean up my diet and get more exercise. No more excuses, no more letting stress get the better of me. I realize now that I can’t be there to take care of loved ones if I don’t also take care of myself. Cheers to New Year and a fresh start!
My daughter heard about the star wars holiday special from a podcast she loves and begged to watch it. Having never seen it myself, we fired up youtube and put it on. We haven’t finished it yet, but to say it is bad is putting it mildly. So far I think Neil Breen movies are better.
After a short break from responsibilities with my lovely wife, it is back to reality today. At least there is coffee to get us through the grind.
This week has been a stressful week, but at least it’s Friday and I can put some of that behind for a couple days.
Happy Thursday! It is almost the weekend, I wish I i could say this weekend is going to be relaxing, but I think it is going to be really busy. At least I won’t have work to deal with too :-)
Apparently it is one of those weeks, I failed miserably in grocery shopping.
These two crack me up sometimes. They love watching the chipmunks on the back steps.
Almost Friday, I just need to finish a critical task at work tomorrow then i get to relax for the weekend.
I had a great bike ride earlier today, love the fall colors and came past a pretty lake.
Life has been pretty stressful lately, but at least I have coffee and a purring cat next to me.
And now I’ve had way too much coffee, but at least I no longer feel tired 😂
Happy Friday! Ordered some coffee for my wife and I from Starbucks and I must have added my coffee twice since I had two of my order. Oops! Looks like I won’t run out of coffee today!
Off to the Wednesday grind. Taking the train to work, then back home, then I get to play Uber driver carting my kids to their activities. I suspect in some way I’ll miss these crazy days when the kids are old enough to drive themselves around.
There is not enough coffee for today. Staying up late on Friday only to have my body wake up at 5:30AM on Saturday makes the morning a drag.
Day 5: forest
Day 4: orange
When space is precious, this guy will make a sleeping spot anywhere he can.
Day 2 of September Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt is buildup. I had to buildup the footage to take this photo of this guy.
Nothing like a long weekend to take a much needed mental break from work. Cleaned and detailed my bike yesterday, and now I can’t wait to get back out and ride! 🚲