: I’ve been doing a lot more driving in Boston the last couple weeks and I’ve learned a …

: I’ve been finding myself stick in a bit of a rut lately, but I’m looking forward to …

: I know it is only Wednesday, but is it Friday yet?

: Life has been pretty tough lately, but today I’m finding signs that things are getting better. …

: I normally don’t bother with new year’s resolutions, but some recent events have me …

: My daughter heard about the star wars holiday special from a podcast she loves and begged to watch …

: After a short break from responsibilities with my lovely wife, it is back to reality today. At least …

: This week has been a stressful week, but at least it’s Friday and I can put some of that …

: Happy Thursday! It is almost the weekend, I wish I i could say this weekend is going to be relaxing, …

: Apparently it is one of those weeks, I failed miserably in grocery shopping.

: These two crack me up sometimes. They love watching the chipmunks on the back steps.

: Almost Friday, I just need to finish a critical task at work tomorrow then i get to relax for the …

: I had a great bike ride earlier today, love the fall colors and came past a pretty lake.

: Life has been pretty stressful lately, but at least I have coffee and a purring cat next to me.


: And now I’ve had way too much coffee, but at least I no longer feel tired 😂

: Happy Friday! Ordered some coffee for my wife and I from Starbucks and I must have added my coffee …

: Off to the Wednesday grind. Taking the train to work, then back home, then I get to play Uber driver …

: There is not enough coffee for today. Staying up late on Friday only to have my body wake up at …

: Day 5: forest

: Day 4: orange

: When space is precious, this guy will make a sleeping spot anywhere he can.

: Day 2 of September Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt is buildup. I had to buildup the footage to …

: Nothing like a long weekend to take a much needed mental break from work. Cleaned and detailed my …

: Day 1 of September Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt is abstract, suggested by Greg, aka …

: At a friend’s house last night, apparently pickle ice pops are a thing.

: Saw this guy in the tall grass while I was out doing yard work yesterday. It seems I interrupted his …

: This frog really likes our little pond. I see them out on the lily pads for hours just about every …

: Our cat’s latest form of entertainment is dropping small toys on us from the upstairs loft …

: I don’t follow the news that closely, but this Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk cage match had to …

: My wife showed me this after going to our local Starbucks. I still don’t really understand why …

: Went for a great ride through Dartmouth on Monday morning. Beautiful area and not much traffic first …

: Today I found out that olive oil in coffee is a thing. Apparently so much so that in certain markets …

: Saw this moth hanging out near the front door yesterday. Not sure what it is exactly but i thought …

: I recently listened to a podcast that interviewed Dorothy Brown talking about how racially biased …

: I’m currently reading: Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells 📚 So far this is a fun read. This …

: It’s rare, but there are times these two guys do get along, and when they do I can’t …

: Happy caturday! I’m trying to write down my grocery list, but someone has opinions about what …

: I’m not entirely certain what these plants are, but every spring they start with these little …

: Went down a new to me road on the bike day and passed this pond. I think it is part of the local …

: Went down a new to me road on my bike ride this afternoon and passed this lovely pond. Beautiful day …

: Currently in the middle of reading Network Effect by Martha Wells. Love the series so far, and i …

: I was pondering over the phrase “is like comparing apples to oranges”, and i can’t …

: Well timed for caturday, this guy was helping me put away the grocery bags earlier today…🐈‍⬛

: Happy Friday! Looking forward to a long weekend after a tough week at work.

: Finally broke out the chainsaw to clean up some of the dead branches that have come down recently. …

: Finally getting some things knocked off the ever growing todo list. Called a tree service Monday, …

: Found this cool little ice structure in the yard this morning. Not sure what the wind chill was, but …

: The koi pond was completely ice free yesterday morning. And here it is today

: Today has given me a headache. Instead of grabbing a beer, I chose to brood in the kitchen. Now if …

: It’s Wednesday, halfway through the week!

: Been listening to Tress of the Emerald Seas by Brandon Sanderson, and I’m actually looking …

: My son had his first swim meet of the year yesterday. So proud of the hard work he’s been …

: I recently set up a new desk and monitor and this guy had to check it out, though I do wish he …

: It’s a new year and this year I decided to take some inspiration from my wife and decided to …

: I normally don’t do new years resolutions, but I might change that this year. I need to make …

: I can’t wait to setup my new desk this weekend. Finally replacing my old worn out desk.

: Testing out the camera on my new phone. I like how the ice forms on our koi pond.

: Just a couple more chores to take care of then, I can relax for the evening. Can’t wait to …

: I meant to share this yesterday, but there’s a reason we only put unbreakable ornaments on the …

: Today’s exercise? The 2 ton pickup! Finally getting around to moving the two pallets of wood …

: A huge weight 10 years in the making has just been lifted off of my shoulders. Today is indeed a …

: Halfway through the week, looking forward to the weekend. I could use a break from this week!

: I present to you the double decker cat lounging chair. 🐈🐈‍⬛

: 🐈 I’m just trying to finish painting, but this guy just wants to look out the window. …

: It’s been ~2 years since my knee surgery, but I’m finally feeling like I can get back …

: Keeping this guy 🐈 out of trouble today is going to be a full time job 😄. I’ve already had to kick …

: Keeping this guy 🐈 out of trouble today is going to be a full time job 😄. I’ve already had to …

: Wow, where has the weekend gone? Last I knew it was 8:00 yesterday morning and I had plenty of time. …

: Almost done painting my daughter’s room. Just some trim work left then it’s on the other …

: I found something a little out of place in this bookshelf today… can’t quite put my …

: I prefer to avoid franchise food chains for dinner, but sometimes you just don’t have time to …

: Today has definitely been one of those days. Not a bad day mind you, but one of those where …

: Can’t wait for The Lost Metal by Brandon Sanderson to drop in Audible tomorrow. By far one of …

: Turns out that I don’t really know what I’m doing when it comes to wood staining. …

: 🚲

: 🚲 I’d rather be out on a bike ride in the rain than stuck in the office on a nice day. Went …

: Just joined microblog, love the clean interface and open design. So much better than the mainstream …